Ah, to sit outside. How divine, under a majestic oak tree, to meditate. But then— that sound, that sound and that sound. Working with what is in the available ambience of your now.
Keywords: mindfulness, presence, concentration, nature, ambience, ease, acorn, dog, practice, fear, cyber security, business, bitter, quercus, pendunculate oak
Getting to know a bright light for upping energy while meditating. A lot like a hazy star. One astronomical unit— how sun centric we be... And then there is the sense of smell. An olafactory object of encounter and a concentration practice very wave-like.
Keywords: Wildfire, weird weather, global warming, light meditation, headaches, smell, Concord grape, fruit, incursion, grape vines, sublime, candy, nature, jelly, preserve
Using sound as an object of meditation. Collecting your attention, the calming that comes about, is more about your HeartMind settling.
Keywords: hen of the woods, focus, sound, attention, union, reality, ambient environment, traffic, voice, language
Went looking for some delicious mushrooms in the forest, didn't find any but I did find a brighter present in the rain. Noticing and practicing while limiting distraction. Practicing walking meditation designed to awaken not entertain.
Keywords: Hen of the wood, mushroom, rain, walking, forest tradition, oak, simplicity, adjustments, white pine, change